Posts Tagged ‘student loans for canadian graduates’

Canadian Graduate Student Loans for Canada Students

October 12th, 2010

Graduate Canadian Student Loans for Canada Students

Canadian Graduate Student Loans

You need to know as much as possible about the options concerning Canadian graduate student loans if you are a graduate student in Canada and owe a veritable fortune in student loans by the time that you finish your program of study.

Naturally, you should exhaust all forms of free financial aid possible before you turn to Canadian student loans to finance your education. This includes all grants that you are eligible for, scholarships, bursaries, and fellowships. Only then should you consider student loans, and the first loans that you should consider are those that are offered by the federal government of Canada and the government of the territory or province that you reside in. These student loans typically have the lowest interest rates, and the easiest repayment options.

The next type of Canada graduate student loan funding that you should consider is a line of credit that is offered to students. This is not a student loan, or a private loan. It is a line of credit, meaning that a specified amount of money is available to you, as you need it, and you only repay the money that you use, plus interest. This line of credit does not have to be repaid until you graduate, but you will have to make monthly interest payments. This type of funding is usually offered at very competitive interest rates, and you don’t have to accept funds that you do not actually need, which will dramatically cut down what you will have to repay after graduation. You can apply at most any nearby local Canada bank.

The final option for funding your education should come from student loans for Canadian graduates that are offered by Canadian financial lending institutions and/or banks. This is not the same as a line of credit, but instead works just like a government student loan, with two exceptions – first, these Canadian student loans are a bit harder to get, and second these loans have a much higher interest rate in most cases. If you do not have an adequate credit rating, you will be required to have a co-signer for your student loan, and in many cases, you will have to provide collateral for your loan.

As a graduate student, your Canada student loans can really start piling up, making it very hard to repay those loans after you graduate. This is something that you need to carefully consider while you are in school and figuring out ways to fund your education. Make sure that you are considering all of the possibilities, including work/study programs that will help reduce the cost of tuition, and part time employment income that could be used for living expenses instead of student loans for canadian graduates. Take advantage of any opportunity that will give you money for college, which does not have to be repaid – but use caution in accepting funds or employment that could make you ineligible for grants or student loans as well.

As a graduate student, you should also check with the department head at your school about teaching opportunities and teacher’s aide opportunities that will also help to defray the cost of your education. You can also check into research opportunities which may award stipends, just as fellowships do instead of Canadian graduate student loans.

What option you choose will be based on your personal situation and what Canadian graduate student loans offer the best programs at the time of application.